• EuroFlam Marie Curie Training at Pisa

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  • In the coming triennial, International Flame Research Foundation aims to further strenghtens its role in education and training of future combustion engineers. This means we will redevelop and expand the current network of the EuroFlam consortium.  ENEL, a member of the EuroFlam Consortium, is a strong proponent to this activity.

    ENEL – Produzione – Ricerca, the research arm of ENEL – largest Italian electricity generator,  a member of the EuroFlam Consortium whose other members include IFRF and Cardiff University, is offering access to their Research Infrastructure in Pisa for candidates, pursuing PhD studies for period of training through research. The access period can commence as soon as possible and will have a nominal duration of up to 12 months of Research Fellowship.

    In this regard, we are advertising for applicants who will be interested to the following subjects:

    Subject #1: Measurement of ultra-fine and nano particles emitted by gas-fired power units

    • Candidate profile
      PhD student in Chemical Engineering or Analytical Chemistry. Previous experience in particle sampling and/or analysis is required.
    • Research activity
      Research activity will be focused on the development and testing of techniques and methods for ultra-fine (PM0.1) and nano particle (PM0.01) detection at the stack of gas-fired power units. The Fellow will work on a Scanner Mobility Particle Sizer (SMPS) and An Electrical Low Pressure Cascade Impactor (ELPI) to analyse flue gas emitted from laboratory and pilot-scale gas combustors; a dilution tunnel system will be optimised to provide sampling conditions that closely represent atmospheric cooling and condensation at the stack to yield representative emission data. Chemical analysis will performed on the particulate using SEM, ICP/OES and IC.

    Subject #2: Effect of process conditions on the devolatilization/formation of chlorinated organic compounds during pyrolysis of RDF and their model components

    • Candidate profile
      PhD student in Chemistry with a documented experience in organic analytical chemistry, Gas chromatography combined with analytical Pyrolysis and with Atomic Emission Detection (PY-GC-AED)
    • Research activity
      The research activity is addressed to get a better understanding of the conditions  that can reduce or enhance the formation of undesired chlorinated organic combustion by-products. An experimental research activity will be carried out to study at laboratory scale and, some aspects of fuel-chlorine partitioning among the macro- and the micro-products and the devolatilisation/formation of process intermediates which can be considered more relevant for understanding the formation/destruction of chlorinated organic micro-pollutants. Parametric experiments will be carried out to assess the influence of process variables on the chlorine partitioning in the volatile and semi-volatile fraction of pyrolysis products.

    Subject #3: Modelling and/or experimental characterization of a Stirling engine/flameless combustor

    • Candidate profile
      PhD student in Engineering with experience in experimental tests in lab and pilot scale facilities and/or fluid-dynamic and process modelling.
    • Research activity
      Research activities will be carried in the fields of modelling and/or experimental characterization of a Stirling engine/flameless combustor-based CHP system. The flameless combustor will be fired with H2/CH4 mixtures. The activities will include (a.) Thermal and fluid-dynamic models development of the flameless combustion process; (b.) Experimental characterization and performance validation of the process using ENEL’s pilot plants; and (c.) Off-design process simulation with different H2/CH4 mixture ratios.

    Subject #4: Design and simulation of a Gas Turbine combustor operating with a steam or CO2 atmosphere

    • Candidate profile
      PhD student in chemical, mechanical or aerospace engineering with a good knowledge of fluid-dynamics, combustion and fuel properties and ability to use FLUENT, Chemkin, PRO-E.
    • Research activity
      The research activity aims to increase the knowledge on combustion technology in steam or CO2 atmosphere. In this frame, the candidate will be involved in the design and simulation of a GT combustor prototype (2,5 MWt, pressure 10 bar and EGT 1700°C) starting from preliminary schemes and lay out.

    Subject #5: Influence of hydrogen-enriched combustion on pollutant emissions in the case of DLN Gas Turbine combustors

    • Candidate profile
      PhD student in chemical engineering with a good knowledge of fluid-dynamics, combustion and fuel properties and ability to use FLUENT, Chemkin, PRO-E.
    • Research activity
      In the context of the transition to hydrogen energy economy an available short term solution may be offered by the utilisation of natural gas enriched with hydrogen (hythane mixtures).  The experimental activities, carried out at atmospheric and pressurised combustion conditions, have the target of verifying the influence of hydrogen enriched combustion on pollutant emissions on industrial scale, in the case of both diffusion and premixed flames. Tests will be carried out on DLN combustors installed on a test rig with the flame under continual monitoring to detect its instantaneous morphology as well as flash-back and blow-off conditions.

    The requirements for Marie Curie Training Fellows are as follows

    All fellows must be nationals of an EU Member or Associated State (see above), or have resided in the EU for at least five years immediately prior to their selection by the company.

    They must not undertake their fellowship in the country of their nationality or recent centre of activity. Nationals from an Associated State can only carry out their fellowship in a Member State.

    At the time of selection the fellow must be 35 years old or less.

    Research Experience
    The scheme is directed to postgraduate researchers pursuing doctoral studies in a subject area similar to that of the Training Site.

    For further details contact Mr. Mario Graziadio of ENEL Produzione Ricerca (email: graziadio.mario@enel.it).  Application details the EuroFlam application procedures can be found at the EuroFlam website, specifically at: http://www.euroflam.net/how-to-apply.html.

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