ERCOFTAC Course on Flame Stabilisation for Industrial Burners
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ERCOFTAC (European Research Community on Flow, Turbulence and Combustion) is organising a course on Flame Stabilisation for Industrial Burners. The course Coordinator is Prof. Dirk Roekaerts, TU Delft, Member of the IFRF.
The objective of this 2 day course is to bring the participants to the forefront of modern insights on flame stabilisation in industrial burners. The course consists of 10 lectures leading from general principles and historical perspective, via modern developments in experimental diagnostics and theoretical modeling to advanced applications. The topics covered in include: general principles of burner design, scaling rules, experimental techniques, turbulent combustion modeling, Large Eddy Simulation of real configurations.
The course will take place on September 26-27, 2011 at the GE Global Research Center, Munich, Germany. More information on the program and on registration is provided on the IFRF Calendar and at the ERCOFTAC website