Energy Science Lecture on the Integrated Energy Network
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Philip SharmanIFRF Director
Following the piece in the last Monday Night Mail on EPRI’s concept of ‘the Integrated Energy Network’, we would like to remind readers of the opportunity to hear more about this from EPRI’s Dr Arshad Mansoor, Senior Vice President Research and Development, who will be delivering this year’s Energy Science Lecture.
The Biomass & Fossil Fuel Research Alliance (BF2RA) are inviting anyone with an interest to attend the 66th Energy Science Lecture where Dr Mansoor will present a lecture on the IEN concept, highlighting insights from this work with implications for research and infrastructure development.
The lecture (organised and funded by BF2RA, with a sponsorship contribution from the Fuel and Energy Research Forum – FERF) will take place at Prince Philip House, 3 Carlton House Terrace, London SW1Y 5DG at 14:14 on Monday 2nd October, preceded by a buffet lunch from 13:00 for all those attending the lecture.
Attendance will be by e-ticket only, which will be emailed on application to bf2ra@gardnerbrown.co.uk. For further information please click here.