• EFRI moves ahead

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  • The European Flame Research Initiative (EFRI) took a number of steps forward in Pisa today with a meeting of the eight founder members – the Core Group.  The first item for consideration was the ‘beta version’ of EFRI’s on-line searchable directory of European combustion, gasification and solid fuel characterisation test rigs.  The creation of this database was agreed by the Core Group at a meeting in Paris in June and the beta version was made available for testing some weeks ago.  After final checks and the addition of rig data from other EFRI Members, the directory will be open for use by all IFRF/EFRI Members early in 2010.

    Today the Core Group also considered a programme of technical meetings for the coming year on the practicalities of Combustion Rig operation and In-flame measurement techniques. 

    The third topic for debate at today’s meeting was the opportunity for EFRI Members to participate as Suppliers or Users of a proposed EC supported Research Infrastructure on Biomass Conversion and Biorefineries.

    The outcomes from today’s meeting will be reported on in future editions of MNM.  Click here to read a previous MNM article on the topic of EFRI or contact IFRF’s Neil Fricker for more information.

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