• EFRI Combustion Rig database nears completion

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  • The core members of IFRF’s European Flame Research Initiative group (EFRI) met in Pisa on November 9.  Important feedback from the meeting is summarised below.

    The EFRI group core members met to consider three main topics:

    • The ‘beta version’ of an on-line searchable directory of European combustion, gasification and solid fuel characterisation test rigs
    • A programme of technical meetings for the coming year on the practicalities of Combustion Rig operation and In-flame measurement techniques
    • The opportunity for EFRI Members to participate as Suppliers or Users of a proposed EC supported Research Infrastructure on Biomass Conversion and Biorefineries

    The related agreements are listed in order below:

    The online directory will be opened to all EFRI Members early in 2010 for entry of data relating to their own organisations and rigs.  In early Spring 2010, a new EFRI website including the directory will be linked to http://www.ifrf.net/ providing easy access by all IFRF Members and the worldwide combustion community to a search facility expected to cover between 50 and 100 combustion rigs across Europe. 

    Planned technical meetings for 2010 include a Round Table for High Pressure rig operators in Cardiff in April, which will dovetail with TOTeM34 at the same venue.  In mid June when the IFRF Joint and Executive Committees meet in Renfrew Scotland on the premises of IFRF Member Doosan Babcock Energy Ltd., rig owners may participate in a half day workshop entitled “The use of Oxygen on Combustion test rigs.”   A technical visit to Doosan Babcock combustion test rigs will also be arranged.  During this three-day period, IFRF will also hold a Workshop on CFD model validation.  All events have now been specified in the IFRF Events Calendar and more information will be posted as soon as it becomes available.

    Regarding the FP7 Biofuels Research Infrastructure call, it was agreed that IFRF and EFRI would support KTH in Sweden who are coordinating a proposal in this area (BRIGHT).  As such, IFRF representatives attended the first ‘Partners Meeting’ in Brussels – see next article.

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