• ECCRIA delegates visit PACT/IFRF UK

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      Philip Sharman

      IFRF Director

  • PACT ECCRIA visit at 750kW GT.JPGIn order to reinforce the profile of IFRF, and the future links from UK based IFRF to Sheffield University’s PACT laboratories as a preferred research partner, 11th ECCRIA delegates were invited to visit PACT.  26 delegates took up the offer (25% of the ECCRIA delegates). The group included visitors from 11 countries (China, Germany, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Pakistan, Poland, Russia, South Africa, Turkey and UK). Kris Milkowski, PACT Business Development Manager, welcomed the group and incoming IFRF Director Philip Sharman addressed the visitors at the end of the visit on behalf of IFRF. 


    PACT ECCRIA visit - Kris in action.JPGThe photographs show a group of the visitors viewing a 350kW GT used for Flue Gas Recycle experiments and PACT’s Kris Milkowski addressing another group.


    (ECCRIA: European Conference on Coal Research and Its Applications – the 11th ECCRIA was held in Sheffield University UK from 5th to 7th September 2016)

    (PACT: Pilot Scale Advanced Capture Technology. Under the arrangement to relocate IFRF to the UK’s Sheffield University, the University’s PACT laboratory will become a preferred Research Partner of the IFRF. More about PACT at http://www.pact.ac.uk/ )


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