EC Horizon 2020 update – deadlines approaching, updated ‘Work Programme’ and networking/partnering opportunities
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Philip SharmanIFRF Director
*** Urgent reminder: The deadline for submitting proposals for H2020 NZE calls on ‘Advanced CO2capture technologies’, ‘Conversion of captured CO2’ and ‘Strategic planning for CCUS development’(see details below) is approaching fast… 6th September! ***
Current H2020 Calls: We have been keeping you informed regularly of the development of various calls in the H2020 ‘Secure, Clean and Efficient Energy’ theme likely to be most relevant to IFRF members via previous MNM articles. The ‘Enabling near-zero CO2 emissions from fossil fuel power plants and carbon intensive industries’ (NZE) Calls on ‘Advanced CO2capture technologies’, ‘Conversion of captured CO2’ and ‘Strategic planning for carbon capture, utilisation and storage (CCUS)’ all opened on 15th May with a deadline for submitting proposals of 6thSeptember. For more information on these Calls (and others anticipated to go live in 2019 and 2020), see the MNM article on ‘Latest update on the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 Research & Innovation Programme (H2020)’published on 30th October.
Updated H2020 Work Programme for 2018-2020 confirms 2019 calls: The EC has just issued the latest update of its Work Programme 2018-2020 for the ‘Secure, Clean and Efficient Energy’ theme, with information (topics, dates, budgets) available for the 2019 calls: information concerning the 2020 calls is still indicative only (to be confirmed in 2019). Information on the NZE topics and calls can be found on pages 109-116 of this document. A quick look through these pages indicates that the two calls we anticipated for 2019 (i.e. ‘Integrated solutions for flexible operation of fossil fuel power plants through power-to-X and/or energy storage’ and ‘Low-carbon industrial production using CCUS’) will both open, as expected, on 7th May 2019 with a deadline of 27th August 2019, both calls being ‘single-evaluation-stage’ calls in the ‘Innovation Action’ category (i.e. normally up to 70% funding available). A final call in the NZE sub-theme on ‘Geological Storage Pilots’ is still indicated for 2020. So far, so good…!
H2020 ‘Virtual Information Day’ and partnering/networking opportunities: Here are two events that you might find useful if you are thinking about submitting a proposal to the 2019 calls…
- Virtual Information Day– this online event on 13th September 2018 will cover the upcoming H2020 calls for funding in the areas of NZE (plus renewables and batteries). Participants will need to register in order to receive the link to the web-streaming of the event. Registration will open on 3rd September 2018.
- Vision2020 Network energy proposal development event, Brussels, Belgium–This energy-specific event on 17-18th September is being organised by ‘Vision 2020: The Horizon Network’ (an open innovation platform for research organisations and businesses interested in participating in H2020). Its purpose is to enable ‘matchmaking’ between academia and industry specifically targeting the H2020 energy calls within the EC’s 2018-2020 Work Programme.
European Commission launches public consultation on EU strategy for long-term GHG emissions reduction
The EC has launched an online public consultation on the EU’s 2050 strategy for long-term EU greenhouse gas emissions reductions. The questionnaire can be responded to within 25 minutes and is open until 9th October 2018. The results will feed into the strategy and aim at making it as inclusive as possible, in order for the EU to collectively decide about its future.
$17 million USD for Call for Proposals for collaborative R&D between India and Mission Innovation countries
India has launched three Calls for Proposals for collaborative R&D with Mission Innovation countries – including in the field of carbon capture. The deadline for the submission of Letters of Intent is 31st August 2018.
$6 million USD is available for carbon capture projects – see here for details. The other areas included in the Call are ‘Converting sunlight to storable fuels, energy-rich chemicals and biochemicals’ ($6 million USD available) and ‘Sustainable advanced biofuels’ ($5 million USD available).