• EC-funded Ph.D. positions available at Cardiff University and Abo Akademi University

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  • EC-funded Ph.D. positions available at Cardiff University and Abo Akademi University

    Cardiff University (U.K.) and Abo Akademi University (Finland) wish to advertise that EC-funded Ph.D. fellowships are available for young University graduates in Engineering, Chemistry and Physics interested in pursuing a research career in the field of Energy and Environmental Technologies.

    The fellowships, funded within the Marie Curie Early Stage Training Programme “INECSE” (Integrated Energy Conversion for a Sustainable Environment), include industrial and academic training to be carried out at three different European Research Centres.
    More details about the programme can be found at the dedicated website http://eu-projects.de/INECSE.

    In particular, projects available at Abo Akademi University are:

    • Development of a large thermodynamic database for use in complex multi-phase, multi-component modelling of the combustion chemistry for solid fuels.
    • Development of various chemistry related advanced sub-models to be implemented into a main CFD programme

    Projects available at Cardiff University are:

    • Co-Combustion of Refuse Derived Fuel with Coal in Slagging Cyclone Combustors;
    • Burning velocity measurements of gaseous and liquid fuels at realistic gas turbine operating conditions for power generation;
    • Oscillations in Swirl Combustion System and their relationship to Gas Turbine Instability;
    • Slagging, Fouling and Corrosion Effects in Large Utility Boilers when Co-firing Biomass/Coal Blends

    In both cases the deadline for applying is Dec 31st, 2006.
    For further details please contact:

    Abo Akademi University
    Ms. Frauke Mueller
    Coordinating Assistant
    Ph: +358 2 215 4760
    e-mail: frauke.mueller@abo.fi

    Cardiff University
    Mr. Steven Morriss
    Business Development Manager
    Ph: +44 2920 874314
    e-mail: morrissm@cardiff.ac.uk

    You can find information also on the IFRF Calendar Of Technical Events at these pages: http://www.calendar.ifrf.net/event.html?id=213 and http://www.calendar.ifrf.net/event.html?id=212 .

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