Disposal of IFRF Research Station Rigs
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Disposal of IFRF Research Station Rigs
The experimental facilities of the IFRF Research Station in IJmuiden were returned to ownership of Corus RDT when the Research Station suspended its experimental activities last year. After a review of their own requirements, Corus are now in a position to dispose of those rigs and facilities that they do not need for their own operations. A list of rigs and contact details for those interested in further information is given below:The items are:
HEC furnace.
This ceramic fibre lined furnace replaced the former IFRF No 1 furnace, and was purchased from new about three years ago. It has a variable geometry (circa 2m*2m section and length can be varied up to 5 m). The furnace is complete with a pair of 1MW (fuel) NFK reversing regenerative burners, ducts and fans. It probably needs new water cooled hearth loads and repairs to the lining and burners.
HEC Furnace with pair NFK Regen Burners
HEC furnace side view sampling ports
Test furnace number 2
A 1.2m square * 4.3m (unlined) sectional test rig with a brick lining installed (thermal rating range 0.5MW-2MW mainly used for gaseous or liquid fuel firing and has been used for limited heavy liquid fuel and pulverised coal testing. Probably needs extensive refurbishment.
Test furnace Number 2 (needs refurb)
Spray Rig
A horizontal oil spray characterisation rig, used for the Oiltec series of IFRF tests. Corus have removed the associated LASER which is not available for purchase.
Droplet characterisation rig (no laser)
Moving Block Swirl Generators
2MW (approx) Moving Block Variable Swirl Generator with various adapters, tubes etc for lining to burners. There are two devices available. Since they were first developed in the 1960s as a coal and then natural gas burner (C16 and NG1 trials), this type of swirl generator was used as the air-side of most IFRF trials run on the former number 1 furnace. They thus represent the standard swirling airflow device for many IFRF trials reports during this period. The swirl generators are probably in better condition than appears on the photos.
Moving Block Swirl Generator (2MW)
Moving Block Swirl Generator (2MW)
In addition to these large models, ther is a small moving block swirl generator for isothermal modelling (no photographs, looks in pristine condition and is kept in the IFRF archive room ie clean and dry)
Ammonia sampling system
May not be complete
Ammonia analyser
A selection of small rotameters and orifice plates
Small flow meters
The condition of all of these would need to be verified by the acquirer.
Negotiations are in hand to move the following items for re-installation at the ENEL Livorno laboratory where they will become available for use of IFRF Members as part of the new arrangements when the IFRF moves to Livorno later this year:
Isothermal Plug Flow Reactor (IPFR)
The IFRF ‘standard’ method for characterising coals and other solid fuels, including bio fuels and wastes, and their blends.
IPFR Upper sections with probes
IPFR Top with gas fired heater and burner suspension
IPFR probes
IPFR Control panel and PC (gas analysers missing)
IPFR data acquisition PC
IPFR sampling probe
IPFR cyclones for char separation
OxyFlam Calibration rig
High temperature (oxyflam) suction pyrometer calibration rig
Anyone interested in acquiring items from the above list please contact neil.fricker@ifrf.net in the first instance. Your enquiries will be noted and forwarded to the appropriate person within Corus IJmuiden with whom you may then establish direct contact regarding the rigs.