• Co-firing TOTeM 37 First Announcement

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  • IFRF is organising TOTeM 37, “Innovative and advanced co-firing technologies” at the Technical University of Wroclaw, Poland on 22 and 23 September 2011.  The meeting will bring secondary fuel specialists together to discuss an FP7 EU funded project in which IFRF has a dissemination role and which is entitled “Demonstration of Large Scale Biomass Co-Firing and Supply Chain Integration – DEBCO”.

    DEBCO is concerned with development and demonstration of innovative approaches to the co-utilisation of biomass with coal for large-scale electricity production and/or CHP, at more competitive costs and/or increased energy efficiency.  The main focus is on the co-utilisation of pure and untreated biomass types such as wood and straw, available in many European regions and localities. 

    Last year, on behalf of DEBCO, IFRF organised TOTeM 35, in Pisa.  For TOTeM 37, DEBCO will combine forces with RICOMBIO, another FP7 EU funded project which has similar objectives, being concerned with the efficient co-utilisation of low quality biomasses and Solid Recovered Fuels produced from municipal solid waste. 

    TOTeM 37 topics for discussion include:

    • Biomass and secondary fuels characterisation;
    • Kinetics and phenomenological modelling of different phenomena involved in co-firing;
    • Slagging, fouling and corrosion, fine particulate generation;
    • Assessment of emissions from solid bio-fuels co-firing in semi-industrial and full scale plants;
    • Pollutant control device performances
    • Comprehensive co-firing modelling

    All interested parties are warmly invited to attend, and if appropriate, to report on relevant work in progress by means of a Poster contribution.  All relevant information can be found in the TOTeM 37 insert on the IFRF Events Calendar.  A draft programme will be published next Monday.  Watch MNM for details.

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