• Changes at IFRF

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      Neil Fricker

    With effect from 1st August, the team at IFRF Offices in Livorno has changed:

    Neil Fricker joins the team as IFRF Director. In addition to his responsibility for the IFRF Administration, Neil will focus on the search for a new host for IFRF following the Joint Committee decision to leave Livorno. He will also be responsible for the IFRF’s Networking Activities. You can contact Neil at the address in this link.

    Giovanni Coraggio becomes IFRF Assistant Director, adding day to day responsibility for operations of the Livorno site to his existing responsibility for the IFRF’s scientific and experimental activities. Giovanni is also responsible for offering contract research services at Livorno or on customer premises, and for the supply of IFRF designs of measuring instruments. Both of these activities will contine throughout the relocation excercise. Marco Faleni continues as Research Technican, and the technical team is completed by two visiting researchers from the Univerity of Twente in the Netherlands, and two from the University of Pisa in Italy. You can contact Giovanni about experimental work or instrument purchase at this link.

    Cristiana Gheorghe becomes IFRF Communications and Administration Coordinator, adding responsibility for Member Communications to her existing duties on the administrative side of the IFRF business. Her Communications activities include the production of the Monday Night Mail, the maintenance of the IFRF’s Events Calender and acting as Secretary for the IFRF Journal ‘Industrial Combustion’. Please contact Cristiana for all questions relating to corporate or individual IFRF membership. Please feel free to offer her news-items about you or your organisation. You can contact Cristiana at this link.

    The new team is looking forward to a busy but productive year ahead.

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