• CFD Worskshop Turku, June

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  • A follow up CFD Workshop will take place at Abo Akademi in Turku, Finland over the afternoon of Thursday 16th June, and on the following morning – Friday 17th June.

    The aim of the workshop is to allow Member organisations to describe their current CFD Validation activities based on the use of IFRF and other combustion data sets.  Issues to be discussed are:

    • Validation data sets available on semi-industrial scale combustion applications
    • Need of experimental tests to fulfill modelers’ needs
    • Validation  approaches and uncertainties quantification
    • Validation activities currently carried out within IFRF scientific community
    • Future support from IFRF
    • Proposed new ad-hoc Working group/activity on CFD Validation
    • Future CFD Validation Workshop(s)

    The workshop will be chaired by IFRF Joint Committee Member Christian Mueller and will include invited lectures, presentation from IFRF on recent experimental and modeling activities, Member’s presentations on experience with applying IFRF and other data to CFD Combustion Model Validation, interactive discussion on specific issues and a wrap up by the Chairman or a Raporteur.

    The program is still open for contributions from Members and researchers who would like to share their validation experience.  Interested parties are invited to submit a short abstract (maximum 300 words) to Leonardo Tognotti by the 20th of May 2011.

    Previous workshops on this topic include the meeting held at Doosan Babcock in Renfrew, Scotland on June 16th 2010, (the notes appear within the IFRF CFD Forum,) a session at the 16th IFRF Members Conference in Boston entitled Experiments and Simulations: Extracting Information from Uncertain Measurements and Predictions (see particularly the document Summary and Conclusions.)  The inaugural IFRF workshop in the CFD series took place in Munich in 2008.  Click here to download the presentations and conclusions.

    A registration form and guide to travel and accommodation arrangements are available on the IFRF Events Calendar.

    IFRF is grateful to Abo Akademi and the Finnish National Committee for hosting this event along with this year’s Joint Committee meeting.

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