• CFD Workshop announced

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  • Validation of combustion modeling for practical combustion systems

    IFRF Members in all industry sectors have an interest in advancing CFD modelling to make it more of an everyday tool for industry-based combustion engineers. CFD Benchmarking and Validation has been confirmed as one of the key issues where the IFRF might help its Members, and certain specific proposals were made when it was recognised that it would be in IFRF Members’ interest to take an active role in the IFRF Members’ Research Programme in this area rather than remaining passive and simply waiting for reports to appear.

    To discuss this project, a technical meeting of the CFD Working Group, (Chairman: Dr. Christian Mueller) is scheduled for Wednesday 18th  June from 9.00-13.00 at the Technical University of Munich, Germany.  The detailed agenda is in preparation. The topics to be discussed are:
    Definition of industrial test cases on which to develop the validation activities:
    • Individuation of detailed and complete data sets for validation/benchmarking activity, from existing data sets (IFRF archive);
    • Definition and planning of new campaigns in the Livorno experimental area;
    • Other case studies based on availability of Member data sets or specific interest in funding experimental campaigns.

    Definition of protocols/standards for:
    • Experimental data generation and quality verification and validation;
    • Creation of databases of validation cases;
    • Validation activities: procedures for definition of parameters and model settings;
    • Presentation of modelling outputs and their comparison with experimental data, with acceptance/validation criteria.

    Other details on the agenda and organisation will appear shortly in the IFRF Events Calendar.  Members who wish to participate to the workshop are warmly invited to contact IFRF Director Leonardo Tognotti.  To send a mail, go to http://mailgate.ifrf.net/staff/

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