• British Flame Annual General Meeting

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The 2006 Annual General Meeting of British Flame, the British National Committee of the IFRF, was held at the Technology Centre of Mitsui Babcock (MBEL) in Renfrew, Scotland, UK.

IFRF Director Neil Fricker presented a review of the IFRF developments and output in 2005. A lively discussion was held about the IFRF and British Flame services to members, and there was considerable interest and debate about the proposed new IFRF Members Research Programme. Planned British Flame activities for 2006 include a November Technical Meeting on Combustion Diagnostics (see IFRF Events Calendar – http://www.calendar.ifrf.net/event.html?id=187), and a workshop on ‘Waste’. The workshop will be timed in order to feed forward information to the IFRF TOTeM29 meeting on Secondary Fuels co-combustion, to be held in Munich on October 12th and 13th 2006 (see IFRF Events Calendar – http://www.calendar.ifrf.net/event.html?id=191)

A presentation of the Mitsui Technical activities was made by MBEL Main Contact Person John McPhail, and this was followed by  a tour of the Mitsui Babcock Development and Testing facilities, including their 90MW burner test rig.

90 Megawatt burner test rig at Mitsui Babcock

A dinner was held to mark the retirement of Peter Roberts as Director of IFRF. Attendance included Dr Frank Fitzgerald, President of British Flame and Professor Jim Swithenbank, former IFRF Superintendent of Research. Professor Swithenbank has agreed to lead the coordination of British Flame views on waste and its combustion.

Peter Roberts thanks British Flame and Finnish Flame for their kind words and gifts