• Boston Conference draft programme published

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  • A new development since the last MNM update on the IFRF’s 16th International Members’ Conference “Combustion and sustainability: new technologies, new fuels, new challenges” which takes place in Boston in June, is the publication of a draft programme.  Prior to its insertion in the Conference website once more detail has been included, the programme has been placed for viewing on the IFRF Events Calendar.

    The four keynote speakers have now all been confirmed and the parallel sessions and workshops defined.  The conference will take place over a three day period from Monday 8 to Wednesday 10 June and kicks off with a welcome cocktail at the venue on the evening of Sunday 7 June.  All actioned is centred at the Boston Hilton Back Bay Hotel where delegates may be certain of reserving a room until 8 May – see the Conference Website for hotel bookings and conference registration.

    After the opening of the conference on Monday morning, MIT Professor J. Beer will deliver the first plenary lecture, “Fossil Fuel Power Generation in a Carbon Constrained World”.  He will be followed by Dr. Kaoru Maruta, Professor at The Institute of Fluid Science, Tohoku University, and the leader of the Japanese Combustion Institute.  Tuesday and Wednesday will be opened by Professors Klaus Hein and Jost Wendt respectively.  Professor Klein will  address “Sustainable Energy Supply and Environment Protection-Strategies and Technologies in Europe” whilst Professor Wendt will focus on oxy-combustion – this was the theme of last November’s TOTeM 31 meeting at which Professor Wendt delivered the key note presentation.

    The programme lists a total of eight technical sessions organized in four parallel sessions, and two workshops.  The opening and closing sessions of the conference are dedicated to the IFRF Members’ Research Programme. 

    The social element has certainly not been forgotten and delegates will have ample opportunity to network and relax at the formal dinner on the Tuesday evening.  The dinner will be preceded by an organised sight seeing expedition to the historical centre of Boston.  For those who will be able to spend a little time in the city after the conference, useful links to other venues can be found on the conference website.

    The conference promises to be informative and enjoyable and is open to IFRF Members and non members alike.  Registration forms are downloadable from the conference website and should be forwarded by mail or fax to Tracey Biller. Delegates who have already sent in a registration but have not received a confirmation should contact Tracey directly.

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