Biomass Gasification TOTeM Gothenburg, April
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Speakers from VTT Finland, KTH Sweden, and IEn Poland are amongst those confirmed for TOTeM 40 “Biomass Gasification – an industrial approach” which takes places in Gothenberg Sweden on April 8th and 9th 2014. A draft programme has been published today.
Keynote Chris Manson-Whitton of Progressive Energy UK, opens the first session with the topic “Gasification in the UK – seizing the opportunities”, and will be followed by VTT’s Ilkka Hiltunen. Speaking before lunch is a representative from Italian design and engineering company Terruzzi, builders of the University of Pisa’s 200Kw Downdraft fixed bed gasifier.
In the session after lunch which will also include posters, Truls Liliedahl of KTH, Sweden, will address the topic, still to be confirmed, “Tar, tar abatement and tar analysis and/or sintering/defluidisation”. Marcin Siedlecki of IEn, Poland will address “Advanced control systems for distributed CHP applications”.
Confirmed for the programme on Wednesday 9th April is Kyriakos Panopoulos from CERTH, Greece, whose topic is “Biomass Gasification into a Multilevel Integrated Biorefinery – EuroBioRef.”
Further news on this meeting will be reported in future issues of MNM. All current documentation including the First Announcement and Call for Poster Abstracts and a Registration form can be downloaded from http://www.calendar.ifrf.net/event.html?id=444 The deadline for Posters abstracts is 28th March.