• Bio of NVV New Chairman – Jeroen van Oijen

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  • Jeroen van Oijen (born 1973, Vlijmen NL) is associate professor in the Combustion Technology group at the department of Mechanical Engineering of the Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) in the Netherlands. He is a specialist in theoretical and numerical modelling of combustion.

    Jeroen van Oijen received his MSc in Applied Physics from TU/e in 1996. His thesis concerned the numerical simulation of the advection of passive tracers in two-dimensional flows.  After obtaining his master’s degree, Jeroen became a PhD student in the group of prof. de Goey.  In that period Jeroen van Oijen developed the Flamelet-Generated Manifold (FGM) method, a scientific breakthrough in the field of combustion modelling. For this outstanding scientific achievement he received several awards.

    In 2002, Jeroen van Oijen started to work as postdoctoral researcher at TU/e on the numerical simulation of turbulent flames using advanced flamelet models. In 2003 he was a visiting scientist in the group of Prof. Peters, the Institute für Technische Mechanik at RWTH Aachen. After returning to Eindhoven he became assistant professor in 2004.  At the same time he received a prestigious VENI research grant from the Dutch Science Foundation. In this VENI project he investigated new combustion concepts for ultra-(c)lean engines. In 2009 he was awarded a prestigious VIDI research grant for his proposal “Clean Combustion of Future Fuels”.

    Jeroen van Oijen was visiting professor at Stanford University, CA, in 2010, and at the University of California Berkeley, CA, in 2014. Jeroen van Oijen is the inventor of the FGM combustion model (www.fgm-combustion.org), co-author of more than 70 journal papers, and coordinator of several national and international research projects on development of reduced models for turbulent combustion and emission modelling. His models are used for the design of clean and efficient engines, boilers, furnaces and gas turbine combustors.


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