• ASME Gold Medal for Nick Syred

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      Neil Fricker
  • Cardiff School of Engineering’s Professor Nick Syred has been awarded the George Westinghouse Gold Medal by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME).  The award was established to recognise eminent achievement or distinguished service in the power field of mechanical engineering.

    Professor Syred was selected to receive the Gold Medal “for innovative research that has contributed to the understanding and application of swirl flows for cleaner combustion using fossil fuels; and for the novel development of heat exchangers, fluidic devices, hot gas cleaning and cyclones.”

    Each year since 1952, only one outstanding researcher has been honoured in this way. The award reflects the outstanding contribution made by Nick over many decades going right back to his PhD research on swirling flows and combustion undertaken at Sheffield University in the 1960s when Nick worked with IFRF Honorary Member Professor John Béer. Nick has remained a staunch supporter of and contributor to IFRF’s activities ever since,. He took a leading role in the successful EuroFlam training programme run jointly by IFRF, Cardiff University and ENEL over many years.

    Professor Syred will be formally presented with his medal at the President’s Luncheon in November, during the ASME Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition in Denver. IFRF would like to add its own congratulations to Nick on this well deserved award.

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