• AFRC publishes the CD of the 2006 AFRC Spring Meeting

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  • The American Flame Research Committee have completed the preparation of a CD containing the presentations made at:

    The 2006 SPRING AFRC conference
    “Bridging the Gap between Fundamentals and Applications”
    held at University of Utah on March 16th and 17th, 2006.

    This conference is the second of the University of Utah, ongoing biennial series and fulfills a mission of the AFRC to provide timely open forums on the application of applied combustion research and technology to improve the competitiveness of North American Industries and to enhance the quality of life of its citizens.

    The Hosts of this conference was Institute of Combustion and Energy Studies at the University of Utah, Advanced Combustion Engineering and Research at Brigham Young University and Reaction Engineering International and the conference committee: Chair Adel Sarofim, Philip Smith, JoAnn Lightly, Eric Eddings and Jost Wendt, all of the University of Utah; Larry Baxter, Brigham Young University; Bradley Adams of Reaction Engineering International and the Coordinator and Registrant: Kim Yokom of the University of Utah.

    An excellent technical program included:

    • Low emission burners and their performance in different furnace settings.
    • Boiler and furnace operations and simulations.
    • Emissions of criteria pollutants and air toxics, including mercury, from conventional and unconventional sources.
    • Oxy-fuel combustion.
    • Heterogeneous combustion including biomass.
    • Analysis August 2005 truck detonation incident.

    Leonardo Tognotti, University of Pisa, shortly to become the new Director of the IFRF, presented “Plans for the Future of the IFRF” and Mario Graziado, ENEL, discussed ENEL R & D Facilities, which will be available for future IFRF applied research.

    The CD

    The Conference CD is now available for purchase from the AFRC.

    The cost to professional of IFRF affiliate organizations is US$200 plus shipping, handling and wire payment fee, to professional of IFRF non-affiliate organizations, US$S250. (Note: Cost of the CD is net to AFRC treasury plus shipping, handling and all wire fees).

    Your cost will be emailed to you by request to afrcjl@earthlink.net.  Be sure to identify your organizational address for shipping, and your IFRF affiliation.

    CD Contents

    The CD includes 21 presentations in PDF format, 6 duplicated in PPT and 2, PPT plus Media.

    The list of presentations and their formats follows.

    IFRF Overview – Chair:  Jordan Loftus, Texaco (Retired)

    Update on the Relocation of the IFRF, Richard T. Waibel, John Zink
    Abstract   PDF

    Plans for the Future of the IFRF, Leonardo Tognotti , University of Pisa

    ENEL R & D Facilities, Mario Graziado, ENEL

    Low Emissions Burners– Chair:  Lee Rosen, Praxair

    A Stable Low-Emissions Combustor: Understanding How it Works, Jerry
    Seitzman, Georgia Tech
    Abstract  PDF PPT & Media

    Low Pressure Air-blast Atomization for Combustion at Low Power Levels, Jason Targoff (presenter), Sandra Sattler, Bob Wilson, TIAX
    Abstract   PDF

    Boiler and Furnace Simulations – Chair: Chuck Benson, Environ

    Practical Applications of Combustion CFD Simulation:  Combustion
    System Design and Burner Selection for Pyrolysis Furnaces, David
    Brown (presenter), Qing Tang, Shaw Stone and Webster & Reaction
    Engineering International
    Abstract   PDF

    Process Burner Spacing, Mahmoud Fleifil, John Zink
    Abstract PDF PPT & Media

    Combustion Modeling at the University of Pisa/ENEL using the RNA
    approach, Leonardo Tognotti, University of Pisa

    Combustion-Driven Oscillation in Process Heaters: How to design them
    out!, Jim Seebold, Chevron (retired)
    Abstract PDF PPT

    Emissions– Chair:  JoAnn Lighty, University of Utah

    Overview of Mercury Control Technology Status, Blair Martin, EPA

    Cold Furnace Startup Emissions, Chuck Baukal, John Zink
    Abstract     PDF

    Field Demonstration of CANMET Particulate Emission Sampler at
    Canadian Oil- and Coal-fired Industrial Installations, S. Win Lee,
    Abstract presentation NA

    Air Toxics from Unconventional Combustion Sources, Bob Hall, EPA
    Abstract PDF

    Combustion in Accidents Involving Transportation of Explosives
    Chair: Phil Smith, University of Utah

    Combustion in Accidents Involving Transportation of Explosives, Phil
    Smith, University of Utah

    Anatomy of an Accident: The August 2005 Truck Detonation in Spanish
    Fork Canyon, Chuck Wight, University of Utah
    Abstract      PDF PPT & Media

    Simulation of Heat Flux to Containers in a Pool Fire Environment,
    Jennifer Spinti, University of Utah
    Abstract         PDF PPT & Media

    Progress in Solid Propellant Modeling, Merrill Beckstead, Brigham
    Young University
    Abstract  PDF

    Reduction of CO2 Emissions from Industrial Furnaces and Boilers by
    Oxy-Fuel Combustion, Sho Kobayashi, Praxair
    Abstract  PDF

    Ion-Transport Membrane (ITM) Oxygen Production Technology, Arun
    Bose, DOE NETL
    Abstract presentation NA

    Issues & Utilization on Biomass for Energy Conversion, Larry Baxter,
    Brigham Young University
    Abstract PDF

    Influence of Gas Environment on Conversion of Black Liquor in a
    Fluidized Bed Steam Reformer, Kevin Whitty, University of Utah
    Abstract PDF

    Effect of Background Gas Composition on Coal Ignition and Devolatilization During Oxygen-enhanced Pulverized Coal Combustion, Alejandro Molina, Sandia Combustion Research Facility

    Characterization of the Combustion of Iron Pyrite Particles During Pulverized Coal Combustion, Reginald Mitchell, Stanford University

    Concluding Comments, Phil Smith, University of Utah

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