• AFRC-JFRC Fall Symposium CD available for sale

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  • The 2004 Joint American and Japanese Flame Research Committee International Symposium was held at the Wailea Marriott Resort on the beautiful island of Maui From October 10th through 13th 2004. There were over 60 papers was from eleven different countries.

    Jordan Loftus
    Technical Secretary
    American Flame

    These papers covered a broad spectrum of interests related to industrial combustion, energy utilization and related topics in furnaces, boilers, engines and flares.

    There are papers from universities, independent and government sponsored research organizations, industrial research and development organizations, equipment manufacturers and industrial engineering groups.

    The topics range from fundamental combustion to industrial application case histories. Sessions include papers on Fundamental Combustion, Flares and Flare Gas Recovery, High Temperature Air Combustion, Greenhouse Gas Issues, Combustion-Driven Oscillations in Furnaces, NOx Control, Turbine and Diesel Engines, Oxy-Fuel Combustion, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Coal and Oil Combustion and Diagnostics & Sensors.

    The AFRC offers these papers to the International Combustion Community in the form of a meeting CD includes the over 60 papers.  See the downloadable agenda for full listings.

    Cost of the CD is net to AFRC treasury plus shipping, handling and all wire fees, net to AFRC treasury is:

    1. US$125 – Affiliated with host committees: AFRC or JFRC

    2. US$175 – Affiliated with IFRF

    3. US$250 %u2013 Non-IFRF affiliated

    The meeting CD includes the over 60 papers. Your cost will be emailed to you by request to afrcjl@earthlink.net.  Be sure to identify your organizational address for shipping, IFRF affiliation.

    This offer and the Agenda are both downloadable from the IFRF Calendar of Technical Events at:

    http://www.calendar.ifrf.net/event.html?id=7 (Public Domain)

    AFRC CD Disclaimer

    The papers and / or presentations, mainly current state of works, for this meeting were produced from electronic files provided by the authors. They have been neither refereed nor extensively edited. They are offered as private communications with all publication rights remaining with the authors.

    This document was prepared as an account of work sponsored by the American Flame Research Committee and the sponsoring organizations.  None of the sponsoring agencies, nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights.

    Reference therein to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the sponsoring organizations or any agency thereof. The views and opinions of authors expressed therein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the AFRC or sponsoring organizations.

    These CDs have been run on a wide variety of PC and Apple Computers, AFRC does not make any warranty, it will run on any particular computer. 

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