AFRC International Symposium
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An important mission of American Flame Research Committee (AFRC) is to provide timely forum on the application of combustion research and technology in the industry. We would like to inform our readers that the proceedings of the following symposiums are now available for sale, from the AFRC, through our Bookstore with pdf formatted CD. Presentations made during the symposium can be downloaded from the bookstore.
CDs available are:
AFRC Fall 2000 Meeting
US$ 50.00
US$ 75.00
AFRC-JFRC 2001 Joint Meeting
US$ 100.00
US$ 150.00
AFRC Spring 2002 Meeting
US$ 50.00
US$ 75.00
AFRC Fall 2002 Meeting
US$ 50.00
US$ 75.00
For more details, click on the link below:
Also to remind everyone, that 2003 AFRC International Symposium, hosted by the Combustion Research Facility of Sandia National Laboratory, has called for papers.
2003 American Flame Research Committee
International Symposium on Combustion Research and Industrial Practice:
Bridging the Gap
16th – 17th October 2003
Sandia National Laboratories – Combustion Research Facility
Livermore, California
If you are interested to submit a paper, please send a 150 to 300 words abstract to the AFRC Conference Chairman. For details of this conference, please contact:
Dr. Robert Gallagher
Sandia National Laboratories
PO Box 969, MS 9052
Livermore, CA 94551
Tel. No.: +1 925 294 2685
Fax No.: +1 925 294 2276
Email: dmagost@sandia.gov
Meeting Chairman: Dr. Robert J. Gallagher
Meeting Secretary: DeAnna Agosta Lazares