• AFRC Fall Open Meeting 2002

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  • 2002 Fall Open Meeting On
    Combustion Emission Improvements Technologies, Requirements, and Trends

    DATE:   Tuesday November 5th & Wednesday, November 6th, 2002
    PLACE:  To be announced, Houston, Texas
    HOST:   ChevronTexaco

    The American Flame Research Committee announces its 2002 Fall Open Meeting. All those interested in industrial combustion equipment design, research or use are invited to submit abstracts and presentations or attend the meeting. Announcements will be limited to emailing.  If you know someone who does not usually receive AFRC announcements and wish to receive future emails, reply to AFRC@att.net and indicate that you wish the address of the person to be placed on the AFRC list.

    Technical presentations are being solicited from industrial companies, governmental organizations and universities.  The topics for presentations should be related to combustion equipment emissions with emphasis on technology improvements, current requirements, and future trends.

    Anyone wishing to offer a presentation should send an abstract (100 to 200 words) or a list of projected material titles to be presented no later than Sept 15th, 2001 to the Symposium Chairperson:

    Shari Eggert-Argent
    Energy Research and Technology Company
    Team Manager, Energy & Fluid Systems
    4800 Fournace Place BAX472
    Bellaire, Texas 77401-2325
    Email: eggersy@chevrontexaco.com

    And CC: afrc@att.net

    The presentation materials will be due October 1, 2002 for inclusion in the proceeding. Presenters unable to meet this deadline must bring copies of his/her presentation materials to be handed out at the meeting. Papers presented are not copyrighted by AFRC and are in the category of private communications.

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