• AFRC 2017 Industrial Combustion Symposium postponed

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      Philip Sharman

      IFRF Director

  • We had hoped to be penning this piece from the Hyatt Regency Houston in Texas, giving you an account of key presentations, lively discussions and excellent networking at the American Flame Research Committee’s Industrial Combustion Symposium…  Unfortunately, the terrible impact of Hurricane/Tropical Storm ‘Harvey’ on Houston has led to the difficult but wise decision to postpone this year’s Symposium. The Symposium will now take place in December, with a Welcome Reception on Sunday, 10th December, and the Meeting itself from Monday, 11th December to Wednesday, 13th December.

    The Symposium will now take place in December, with a Welcome Reception on Sunday, 10th December, and the Meeting itself from Monday, 11th December to Wednesday, 13th December.  The venue remains the Hyatt Regency in Downtown Houston, and AFRC will be posting the link to register and reserve hotel rooms for the new dates within the next week or so, so please check the website often for updates (http://www.afrc.net under the ‘Next Meeting’ tab).

    Best wishes to the Organising Committee in your endeavours to make the postponed Symposium a great success.  Our thoughts go out to the resilient and determined residents of “Space City” as you recover and rebuild. There was a news piece where a foolish BBC reporter asked a Houston resident if the city could recover from such a disaster…  “Hell yeh, we’re Texans” came the resounding repost!  We certainly believed him and look forward to penning our postponed contribution in December!  

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