• AFRC 2017 Industrial Combustion Symposium, Houston, Sept 18-20, 2017

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  • AFRC are pleased to announce that the AFRC 2017 Industrial Combustion Symposium will take place September 18-20, 2017 (with a Welcome Reception on Sunday September 17, 2017) at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Houston, Texas. A call for papers has issued – see http://www.afrc.net/ or IFRF events http://www.calendar.ifrf.net/event.html?id=622 for more info.

    If you are interested in submitting an abstract, please review the “Guideline for the Abstracts” section of the attached call for papers.  Abstracts are due no later than February 28, 2017.  AFRC will begin reviewing abstracts as they receive them, so please submit your abstracts early!!

    If your abstract is accepted, AFRC expect to receive a white paper from you no later than June 30, 2017.  There is a strict “NO PAPER, NO PODIUM” policy, so please keep this in mind when submitting your abstract.

    AFRC will have a block of rooms set up at the Hyatt Regency Houston for attendees of the meeting.  Hotel information is available online at the AFRC website (http://www.afrc.net) under the ‘Next Meeting’ tab, under ‘Hotel Info’.

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