AFRC 2017 Industrial Combustion Symposium – Call for papers
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The AFRC 2017 organising committee cordially invites abstracts of papers for presentation at American Flame Research Committee’s 2017 Annual Industrial Combustion Symposium. This year’s symposium will be held at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Houston, Texas, 18-20 September.
The theme of this symposium is fired process heaters used in the refining and petrochemical industry and, as at all AFRC symposia, papers are sought which explore themes in all applied industrial combustion topics (innovation, design, operation, safeguarding, trouble-shooting, etc.). Since this symposium will be held in Houston, the global centre of the oil and gas industry, AFRC are looking forward to a record response from the oil and gas industry professionals, and expect that they will contribute abstracts in large numbers. Abstracts on other combustion and heat transfer topics are also welcome.
Guideline for the Abstracts
Abstracts should be no more than one-page long and should provide a brief overview of the presentation topic in harmony with the theme for the symposium – or otherwise aligned with the interests of the AFRC. Abstracts should reach Catrina Wilson (catrina.wilson@utah.edu) by the deadline of February 28th, 2017. Early submissions are strongly encouraged, and will receive preferential considerations by the Organizing Committee. Notification of acceptance will be communicated by March 31st, 2017. A sample of abstracts from the past meetings is available on the AFRC website.Guideline for the Papers
Please note that AFRC policy is “No Paper, No Podium!” so if you do not submit a written paper by the deadline, you will be unable to present at the Symposium, even if your abstract had been accepted. However, AFRC is flexible regarding paper format. We are more concerned with the content and the value that it brings to the AFRC community. The full paper should reach Catrina by June 30th, 2017.