• AFRC 2015 Industrial Combustion Symposium Reminder

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    AFRC 2015 Industrial Combustion Symposium

    September 9-11, 2015
    Historic Fort Douglas Officers Club
    University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah

    In 1862 in the midst of the United States Civil War, Camp Douglas was established to keep an eye on supposed secessionist tendencies in the Utah Territory.  No worries, no secession and in 1878 Camp Douglas was upgraded to Fort Douglas and in due course to the glorious University of Utah that we find there today. As far as United States history goes, that’s about as good as it gets and about as far back as it goes in the West.  Below are listed some of the topics that will be presented.  The AFRC 2015 Organizing Committee cordially invite your participation!  To register click here


    • 4 Rules of Fired Heater Operation
    • Heater Alarm and Emergency Shutdown Parameters Analyzed
    • Adventures in Flaring: The Story EPA Didn’t Tell You
    • A Discussion of Concerns if Refinery Flare Rules are applied to the Chemical Industry
    • Emission Testing of Sonic Velocity Flares Validates High Destruction Efficiency
    • Application of CFD to model Air-Assisted Industrial Flares under low-Btu, low-Flow Rate Conditions
    • Physical Testing of a Multi-point Ground Flare Utilizing Low Btu Flare Gas
    • Analysis of Large Multi-Point Ground Flares with Surrounding Equipment in Cross Flow Conditions
    • Ethylene Plant Ground Flares – Overview of Installations, Design Specs and Operational Aspects
    • Flameless Heater Performance: Two Years of Operation
    • Duplex Technology: A Novel Approach to Combustion Performance Enhancement in Refinery Process Heaters
    • New Firing Pattern in Heaters provide Uniform Heat Transfer
    • Performance of Low and Ultra-Low NOx Burners Firing Hydrogen-Enriched Syngas in a Refractory Lined Furnace
    • Air staged double swirl low NOx LPG burner
    • Validation and Prediction of Ultra-Low NOx Burner Performance using Computational Fluid Dynamics
    • Faber Fuel Staging Burner for Low NOx Applications
    • Ultra Low NOx Conventional and Regenerative Burner Retrofits
    • Heater Recirculation Pattern Analysis and Burner Spacing Optimization
    • Autoignition Characteristics of Silane-Oxygen-Diluent Mixtures in a Practical Burner
    • Multipoint Water Quenched Probe for Spatially Averaged Hot Gas Sampling in Industrial Combustors
    • Opportunities for the next generation of optical boiler diagnostics
    • Flame Safety and the Parameters that Affect Them
    • Lower Dimensional Model for Modeling the Heat Transfer and Detailed Reactions Inside Long Channels
    • A Study of Flameless Combustion Behavior of Pulverized Coal Preheated by Circulating Fluidized
    • Pilot-Scale Investigation of Heat Flux and Radiation from and Oxy-coal Flame
    • A validation/uncertainty quantification (V/UQ) analysis for a 1.5 MW oxy-coal furnace
    • Effects of coal blends on formation mechanisms of ash aerosol and ash deposits during air and oxy-Combustion
    • Coal Combustion Characteristics in a 1MWth Pilot-scale Circulating Fluidized Bed in Oxy- fuel Conditions with High Oxygen Concentration
    • CFD investigation of ash deposition during the coal combustion
    • My History working with the IFRF
    • Experimental study on preheating and combustion characteristics of semi-coke in 0.2MW pilot
    • Development of a Sub-Surface Burner Technology for In-Situ Heating
    • Continuous Online Monitoring of Maximum Fireside Tube Skin Temperature in a Depropanizer Reboiler
    • Mesh resolution requirements in process burner CFD simulations
    • An Experimental study of the combustion-emission of heavy fuel oil
    • A CFD Investigation of Burner Stability Using Ansys FLUENT and C3d