• Advanced Power Plant Flexibility Campaign

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  • Wind and solar power are being used more and more in many Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM) countries. Accommodating the growing shares of wind and solar power is a challenge for power systems as their output fluctuates with the seasons.
    On 6th June, the CEM announced the launch of the Advanced Power Plant Flexibility Campaign which is setup to build momentum and commitment from participants to implement solutions that make power plants more flexible. The campaign covers all forms of dispatchable power plants, particularly coal, gas, hydro and bioenergy.
    The governments of China, Denmark and Germany lead the campaign; participating countries are Brazil, Canada, India, Indonesia, Japan, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, United Arab Emirates and the European Commission. Companies participating in the campaign include Enel, Energinet.dk, General Electric, DONG energy and COWI; the German think tank Agora Energiewende is also a member. The International Energy Agency (IEA) supports the implementation of the campaign as operating agent.
    “Flexibility of power plants will play a central role in the large-scale deployment of renewable energy in the future. We are committed as a part of this campaign to explore the potential for power plant flexibility and to identify and implement viable solutions,” said Mr. Li Fanrong, vice administrator of the Chinese National Energy Administration, during the ministerial meeting.
    For more details about the Advanced Power Plant Flexibility Campaign please click here.

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