Accessing the Solid Fuel Database online
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Further to the initial announcement in MNM 22 of the availability online of the IFRF’s Solid Fuel Database, we have updated the splash page with the access instructions published in the original article.
Briefly, on reaching the splash page, visitors should key in the word guest both as login and password. This guest access enables a brief look at the database structure and content. To obtain more comprehensive access, for example to view data such as kinetic parameters, or have printing and export options, users should request an SFDB Member account by contacting Leo Tognotti from within the SFDB Forum. Anyone who is not already a registered user on this Forum should contact Tracey Biller to register.
The SFDB covers devolatilisation, char combustion and fuel nitrogen release data of more than 200 different solid fuels, both parent and char materials, with complementary information about fuels properties (ultimate, proximate analysis, ash composition, fusion temperatures, etc.), experiments conditions, rig descriptions and characterization procedures.
We apologise for any confusion caused to potential visitors to this new facility. To read the original MNM launch article, please click here.