• 21-Sept-05 – “Current Research in Combustion”

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      Giovanni Coraggio
  • The Institute of Physics – Combustion Physics Group –  is organising a one day meeting on Wednesday 21st of September in Loughborough, UK, on the “Current Research in Combustion” and to provide a forum for Research Students and Young Researchers. It is still possible for young researchers to submit a poster on their current combustion related research.  A student wishing to do so should submit an abstract to Dr Peter Cumber (p.s.cumber@hw.ac.uk) for consideration as soon as possible.

    The aim of the meeting is provide a forum for contributions on current research in topics relevant to combustion physics and an opportunity to meet other researchers and industrialists. The meeting is sponsored by the IOP, EPSRC, BFRC and industry and will provide industrialists with a broad view of current combustion research and a chance to meet potential recruits in the field.

    The meeting includes oral and poster presentations from leading research groups in the field of Combustion Physics and covers many varied aspects of combustion. The meeting is open to members and non-members of the Institute of Physics and promises to be an interesting and constructive day of presentations and discussions about current research topics in Combustion Physics.

    Prizes sponsored by EPSRC and BFRC will be given for the best presentation and best poster.

    For further information see also the IFRF Calendar Of Technical Meeting: http://www.calendar.ifrf.net/event.html?id=126

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