• 18th IFRF Members’ Conference Update

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  • We would like to remind you that Thursday 30th of April is the registration deadline for the 18th IFRF Members Conference. This IFRF special meeting will be held in Freising, Germany at 1-3 June 2015. The conference is open to IFRF Members and non members alike, so feel free to join us! Registration for the event is through the dedicated conference website. If you need more details about accommodation please contact Cristiana Gheorghe.

    There are still sponsorship positions available and interested parties are invited to download the Sponsor Prospectus and call Tomasz Klajny to discuss the possibilities. All sponsorship options include the sponsor branding package which carries the following additional benefits:
    – Company logo displayed on official sponsor boards, on conference programme, on conference abstract book and around meeting venue
    – Well positioned in official sponsor list on conference website and in conference abstract book
    – Company brochure in delegate bag

    Because we are expecting good number of participants and the scientific programme of MC18 seems to be very interesting this can be very good marketing opportunity that allows you to connect with a select group of combustion specialists and promote your company.


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