• Industrial Combustion training 18-19 March 2025

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      Industrial Combustion training 18-19 March 2025

The IFRF and its French Committee will host an Industrial Combustion training on 18th-19th March 2025 at Air Liquide testing facilities in France.

The training will begin with an overview of combustion applications in various industrial sectors, including cement, steel, glass, oil and gas, and energy production. It will cover all practical aspects, with a focus on reducing CO2 emissions through the use of renewable hydrogen.

Participants will benefit from lectures by experienced professionals from both industry and academia. The training also includes two practical sessions: one on a laboratory burner from the CNRS CORIA laboratory, and another on the Air Liquide 2 MW pilot furnace, burning natural gas and hydrogen with air and/or oxygen.

The training will be limited to 20 participants.


Air Liquide Campus Innovation Paris, Jouy-en-Josas, France
Address: 1, chemin de la Porte des Loges, 78350 Les Loges-en-Josas

Draft programme

18 March 2025
08:30 Welcome & coffee
09:00 Introduction by Anna Publi-Melsio, Air Liquide & CF IFRF
09:05 Overview of industrial combustion processes
by Louis Ricci, Fives Group
11:00 Break
11:15 Hydrogen production & the role of hydrogen in a sustainable energy system
by Luc Jarry, Air Liquide
12:30 Lunch
14:00 Safety & risks management
by Colonel Laurent Lecomte, ENSOSP & Jean-François Brilhac, LGRE
16:00 Break
16:20 Experimental platform: natural gas/hydrogen/air burner
by David Honoré, Coria
17:45 End of day 1
19 March 2025
08:30 Welcome & coffee
09:00 Potentials and Challenges of Hydrogen to Decarbonize the Steel Sector
by Sébastien Caillat, Fives Group
09:45 Potentials and Challenges of Hydrogen to Decarbonize the Glass Sector
Speaker tbc
10:30 Break
10:45 Experimental Platform: H2 usage as a fuel /O2 flame
by Mohand Amirat & Jean-Baptiste Sénéchal, Air Liquide
12:30 Buffet Lunch and discussion
14:00 Final wrap-up + Q&A
15:45 End of the training

Lecturers for the course

  • Luc Jarry is a Senior Expert in combustion processes and Market director for energy and mobility with Air Liquide’s World Business Line. With a Master’s degree in Energy and Engineering, and with more than 30 years of experience in industrial gas for industries such as the glass industry, Luc’s extensive experience in the development of technologies, management of related R&D and industrialization programs makes him an industry leader in the combustion field. He has led numerous multi-functional, global combustion projects, especially in oxy-combustion technologies. Luc has been granted 24 patents, published multiple times in industry journals, and was awarded the best innovative technology development application for “Climate Solutions” by COP21.

    Luc Jarry - Air Liquide
    Luc Jarry – Air Liquide

  • Louis Ricci is a professional in the domain of industrial combustion, currently serving as the R&D Director at Fives Combustion Business Unit. With an extensive engineering background around combustion, he coordinates R&D topics and decarbonation actions across the three brands of the Fives group: Fives North American Combustion, Fives Pillard, and Fives Itas, providing combustion systems in various industrial sectors. Promoting progress, development, and pragmatic innovation in thermal energy and environmental concerns around combustion topics is his core focus. The necessity of energy transition presents new challenges, and he is proud to contribute to them. He holds a Mechanical and Energy Engineering degree from Arts et Métiers Engineering School of Paris (1990) and a MBA. With over 25 years of experience in combustion, he has technical expertise in combustion and pyro processes and is the inventor of multiple combustion systems. His key positions include R&D Director at Fives Combustion Business Unit (since 2021), COO and CTO at Fives Itas (2016-2018), CTO at Fives Pillard (2007-2016), and R&D Director at CNIM Environment France (2019-2021). His work is dedicated to improving efficiency and reducing emissions in industrial processes, a key target for his company and the broader industry.

    Louis Ricci, Fives group
    Louis Ricci – Fives group

  • Anna Publi-Melsio, Mohand Amirat & Jean-Baptiste Sénéchal, Air Liquide
  • Colonel Laurent Lecomte, ENSOSP,
  • Jean-François Brilhac, LGRE,
  • David Honoré, Coria,
  • Sébastien Caillat, Fives Group

Registration & prices

Organisation type IFRF member Non-IFRF member
Academia/students tbd € tbd €
Industry tbd € tbd €

The training is limited to 20 participants.
Registration by Enventbrite or bank transfert will open in September 2024.

Public transport

The fastest route is to take the train from Montparnasse station to Versailles-Chantiers on line N at 7:39, 7:58, or 8:09. Then you have to take the bus 6164. To arrive around 8:30, 8:45 at Air Liquide.
The bus can be taken from both sides of the Versailles station, but the easiest way is to go to the Porte de Buc exit (not the main entrance of the station). Then you have to stop at the “zone d’activité” stop in Les Loges-en-Josas, where the Air Liquide R&D centre is located.


A wide choice of accommodation is available in Versailles or Paris. It is recommended to travel by public transport from Paris (approx. 60-70 min).

Additional Event Info

Air Liquide Campus Innovation Paris

1, chemin de la Porte des Loges

Les Loges-en-Josas