Tags temperature
- Experimental method to verify the real residence-time distribution and temperature in MSW-plants
Authors: Olof Stålnacke, Björn Zethræus, Sirkku Sarenbo
Published: May 2008
- Category: Journal
- Deposit Formation And Corrosion In The Air Pre-Heater Of A Straw-Fired Combined Heat And Power Production Boiler
Authors: Flemming Frandsen, Jørn Hansen, Peter A. Jensen, Kim Dam-Johansen, Melanie Montgomery, Lars D. Fenger, Jørgen N. Jensen, Asger Karlsson, Niels Henriksen, Jørgen P. Jensen
Published: May 2002
- Category: Journal
- Computing Mixture Temperature from Enthalpy using NASA Polynomials
Authors: Eduardo A. Brizuela
Published: October 2000
- Category: Journal
- Proceedings of the 8th Topic Oriented Technical Meetings – TOTeM8 held at British Gas plc, on 9th, 10th and 11th November 1993 on the subject “High temperature combustion – High air preheat/oxygen enrichment”
Published: November 1993
- Category: Technical Reports