Tags Gas
- Mathematical modelling of oxy-natural gas flames
Authors: U Bollettini , F Breussin , N Lallemant , Roman Weber
Published: December 1996
- Category: Archive, Technical Reports
- Scaling characteristics of the aerodynamics and low-NOx properties of industrial natural gas burners – Scaling 400 study Part II The 12 MW test results
Published: March 1993
- Category: Technical Reports
- Video recordings of the NG7 trials
Published: August 1991
- Category: Technical Reports
- Overall workplan for the investigation into scaling of aerodynamics and low NOx Characteristics of Natural Gas burners in the thermal input range 30 KW to 12 MW
Authors: Noble. R.K.
Published: September 1990
- Category: Technical Reports
- Further studies on high temperature Natural Gas combustion in Glass furnaces – Workplan for the NG 7 experiments
Published: June 1990
- Category: Technical Reports
- Comparison of heavy fuel oil and natural gas firing in glass melting furnaces. Results of the NG 6-2 investigation. Confidential.
Authors: Olynyk S E
Published: July 1989
- Category: Technical Reports