Tags DEL
- Essais préliminaires aux essais d’emploi de l’oxygène dans les flammes d’huile (PTO IX).
Published: January 1959
- Category: Technical Reports
- Documents reference subject index (revision of L 13/c/2/2).
Authors: Piana C S
Published: January 1959
- Category: Technical Reports
- Successor to Mr. Kissel.
Authors: Perret R
Published: January 1959
- Category: Technical Reports
- Prélèvement des particules solides et des gaz dans les flammes. English translation Sampling of solid particles and gases in flames.
Authors: KAMP VD, WL
Published: January 1958
- Category: Technical Reports
- List of all members of committees, panels and working parties. 1958.
Published: January 1958
- Category: Technical Reports
- List of documents issued from IJmuiden 01/10/57-01/01/58.
Authors: Morelli F
Published: January 1958
- Category: Technical Reports