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- List of Members of the Joint Committee, Associate Members, National Secretaries and Members of the panels. 1976.
Published: January 1976
- Category: Technical Reports
- Emploi de combustibles fluides riches en hydrocarbures legers.
Authors: Coenraad
Published: January 1975
- Category: Technical Reports
- Bericht aan de leden inzake bijdrage voordracht 4e MeCo. ( Concerning the fourth Members Conference `Effective use of fossil fuel’to be held at Noorwijkerhout, Holland on the 13 – 14th of May 1976).
Authors: Loisin R
Published: January 1975
- Category: Technical Reports
- Erdgas fur die Industrie: Verfügbarkeit und Anwendung.
Authors: Brink A
Published: January 1975
- Category: Technical Reports
- Instructions for the presentation of papers, to be presented at the fourth Members Conference `Effective use of fossil fuel’to be held at Noorwijkerhout, Holland on the 13 – 14th of May 1976).
Authors: Whitehead D M
Published: January 1975
- Category: Technical Reports
- List of Members of the Joint Committee, Associate Members, National Secretaries, Members of the panels and members of the Working Groups.
Published: January 1975
- Category: Technical Reports