Tags DEL
- Reflections on the effect of infrared rediation on kinetic reaction rates
Published: March 1995
- Category: Technical Reports
- Reflections on the effects of infrared radiation on kinetic reaction rates
Published: March 1995
- Category: Technical Reports
- Proceedings of the 10th Topic Oriented Technical Meeting – TOTeM10, held at Veldhoven, September 1994 on the subject: “Advanced Power Generation”
Published: September 1994
- Category: Technical Reports
- IFRF Membership Information
Published: June 1994
- Category: Technical Reports
- Interim report on the investigations being conducted on the model furnace at Delft.
Authors: Rogier J
Published: January 1994
- Category: Technical Reports
- Relation between fuel composition and luminous radiation.
Authors: Bortz S
Published: January 1994
- Category: Technical Reports