Tags Combustion
- Nouveaux résultats sur la combustion du charbon pulvérisé.
Authors: Pershing D W
Published: January 1965
- Category: Technical Reports
- On the effect of residence time distribution and of mixedness on the performance of pulverized fuel combustors.
Authors: Sadakata M
Published: January 1963
- Category: Technical Reports
- Fourth series of performance trials on pulverized coal (PTC IV).
Authors: Cossee R P
Published: January 1962
- Category: Technical Reports
- Note sur le determination experimentale de la teneur en vapeur d’eau dans les gaz de combustion. (English translation of title. Note on the experimental determination of the water vapour content in combustion gas.)
Authors: Domnick J
Published: January 1962
- Category: Technical Reports
- First experiments at IJmuiden on the combustion of oil using oxygen.
Authors: Boss M
Published: January 1961
- Category: Technical Reports
- Third series of performance trials on pulverised coal. Translation of F 32/a/24.
Authors: Ellison R J
Published: January 1961
- Category: Technical Reports