Tags Combustion
- Report on the first performance trial carried out on the Gothenburg cold wall furnace.
Published: January 1958
- Category: Technical Reports
- Study of combustion and distillation distances in pulverised coal flames.
Authors: Koopmans G
Published: January 1958
- Category: Technical Reports
- First results on CMC II. Translation from French.
Authors: Gallagher G
Published: January 1958
- Category: Technical Reports
- First report on the first combustion mechanism trial with coal (CMC 1).
Authors: Siddall R G
Published: January 1957
- Category: Technical Reports
- Results of velocity measurements. (Appendix I). CMC 1.
Authors: Hunter S C
Published: January 1957
- Category: Technical Reports
- Concentration of solid particles. (Appendix II). CMC 1.
Authors: Auclair M
Published: January 1957
- Category: Technical Reports