Tags Boiler
- Combustion tests with alternative fuels in oil designed boilers.
Authors: Lara G Cohen de
Published: January 1982
- Category: Technical Reports
- Prediction of the performance of a water-tube boiler.
Authors: Wllim van de Kamp
Published: January 1981
- Category: Technical Reports
- Effects of fuel properties and atomization parameters on NOx control for heavy liquid fuel-fired package boilers.
Published: January 1977
- Category: Technical Reports
- Die Beeinflussung der NOx Emission brennstoffgefeuerter Kessel und ofen durch Verandern von Brennerparametern.
Authors: Dahm W J A
Published: January 1973
- Category: Technical Reports
- Interim report on half-scale cold flow tests for a simulated boiler register.
Published: January 1964
- Category: Technical Reports