• Santos and Eni plan CCS hub in East Timor

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      Patrick Lavery

      Combustion Industry News Editor

Australian gas company Santos and Italy’s Eni are set to collaborate on a carbon capture and storage project in East Timor, as Energy Voice reports. The two companies, as well as Inpex and SK E&S already operate the Bayu Undan gas field in East Timor, which is seen as having good geological conditions for CO2 storage. Santos has a need for a storage site for CO2 produced at its new Barossa gas extraction operation off the coast of the Northern Territory (of Australia), which is in the Timor Sea, and the proximity of the two gas operations make the transport of CO2 from one to the other practical. However, Santos and Eni hope to attract COstorage business from other operations in the area too, making it a regional hub. The London Convention on maritime trade of wastes was updated in 2019 to allow the international transport of carbon dioxide, producing the legal possibility for the new project, something of underappreciated value. Santos and Eni’s agreement is a non-binding one, presumably so that if engineering studies show the scheme unworkable, the project does not have to proceed.