Conemaugh Generating Station using mobile demineralisation facilities to improve performance and save operating costs
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Patrick LaveryCombustion Industry News Editor
A short article on the World Coal website has looked at how the Conemaugh Generating Station in New Florence, Pennsylvania, USA is using mobile demineralising plant to improve plant performance and reduce operating costs. Operated by a subsidiary of GenOn, the station has employed the use of Suez’s demineralising plant (carried on a semi-trailer) since June 2017, and produces boiler feedwater using it. By using the solution together with Suez’s InSight asset performance management solution (which makes use of advanced data and predictive analytics), Conemaugh reduces chemicals and raw water use, and consequently discharges less wastewater to the Conemaugh River. GenOn estimates it is saving US$220,000 (€189,000) per year by using it – a small portion of the 1700 MW station’s total operating budget, but nevertheless a useful saving, especially in a competitive market.