Clean Coal Centre report identifies barriers to CCS development
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Patrick LaveryCombustion Industry News Editor
The International Energy Agency’s Clean Coal Centre has published a report on the barriers to wider-scale implementation of carbon capture and storage technology. Noting that only one positive final investment decision to proceed with a CCS project has been made in the last four years, the author, Toby Lockwood, identifies a lack of governmental support for capture plants and transport and storage networks, the chicken-and-egg dilemma of if transport networks or capture plants should come first, and insufficient international cooperation on the technology and the underlying problem of climate change. In effect, the report calls for government intervention for all of these matters – some means of secure and long-lasting financial support (direct and/or indirect) would help increase deployment of capture systems and the introduction of transport and storage networks (which would serve a range of industry), and international collaboration would also principally be fostered through government. There are currently differing levels of support for these types of initiatives around the world, and some positive signs, for instance the Norwegian and Dutch projects to build European transport and storage networks, and the new US tax credits for CCS, as well as numerous international collaborations in research and development and communication, but overall the report calls for more of all of it, and soon. Whether that occurs is another matter – the perception of CCS by electorates is at the moment largely unfavourable.