• Carbon Removal Standards Initiative launched

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  • Last week, an independent nonprofit organisation was launched to help bring more rigorous standards to the carbon dioxide removal (CDR) space.

    The Carbon Removal Standards Initiative (CRSI), is led by Anu Khan, former science and innovation director at climate NGO Carbon180, who said the organisation will provide “technical assistance and capacity building for CDR policy, specifically around quantification standards.”

    In an interview with Carbon Herald, Khan stated that the rules for carbon removal would be written by regulators and policymakers with expertise in different industries, and that the implementation of these rules would require technical assistance.

    Khan believes that while industry will have a major role in the development of CDR standards, NGO’s, academia, and other financially unconflicted parties will help maximise the public benefit of this emerging sector.

    Said Khan, “Carbon removal is a tool for climate justice. Justice requires accountability, and justice and carbon removal requires the ability to rigorously and transparently count the carbon.”

    Read the full story here.

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