• BRICS member states to establish joint carbon projects and markets

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  • BRICS member states have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) around establishing joint carbon markets projects and targets.

    The MOU underpins a comprehensive climate action framework for BRICS nations which covers topics such as mitigation, adaptation, funding and research and reflects the group’s united opposition to developed nations’ unilateral green protectionist measures.

    As such, the framework has been expressly formulated to counter policies like the existing EU Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism and its US and UK equivalents. These policies are considered by some to have the potential to disadvantage developing economies.

    Progress to date

    Some BRICS members have already made individual progress towards developing their own carbon markets:

    One of the aims of the MOU is connect and align carbon markets across BRICS member states. This would bring them in line with the UN initiative to develop a common market under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement.

    The countries in the BRICS group account for 44% of global crude oil production. They have pledged to phase out fossil fuels considerably after the deadlines set by the G7 countries.

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