• Bipartisan USE IT bill looking to incentivise carbon dioxide utilisation in the US

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      Patrick Lavery

      Combustion Industry News Editor

  • A bipartisan bill is being prepared by members of the US Senate that would attempt to further incentivise the use of carbon dioxide captured from industrial facilities. Being led by Senator John Barrasso, a Republican from Wyoming, the ‘USE IT’ bill is also supported by two Democrats and another Republican, a team that last year worked together to get the provisions into the federal budget that provide tax credits for CCS installations per tonne of carbon captured. The new bill would provide more support for research and development, and would thus complement the existing tax credits, which support deployment. Senator Barrasso opposes a tax on carbon emissions, preferring to take the approach that carbon dioxide should be seen as a resource, not a burden. The preparation of the bill comes as a new group backed by renewables companies has begun to advocate for a federal carbon tax that would return a dividend to citizens, a scheme reminiscent of one brought to the White House shortly after Mr Trumps election, but not adopted.

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