• Vacancy – Senior Professorial Position (Professor C4)

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    • Post Author

      Peter Roberts
  • We have received the following information from Prof. Dr.-Ing Westkämper concerning a professorial vacancy at the University of Stuttgart, which reads as follows:

    The University of Stuttgart, Germany announces:

    The Senior Professorial Position
    (Professor C4)
    “Thermische Kraftwerkstechnik – Thermal Power Station Technology”
    Commencing 1st October 2004
    (Successor to Professor Klaus R. G. Hein)

    Co-responsibilities of the holder of this Chair include the Headship of the Institut für Verfahrenstechnik und Dampfkesselwesen (IVD, Institute of Process Engineering and Power Plant Technology), and the Directorship of Heizkraftwerk Pfaffenwald of the university (Combined Heat and Power Station). The institute is concerned with energy conversion, predominantly in the domain of electric power and heat generation, and with the related environmental problems. Its activities include all processes relating to the science of and the industry utilisation of fossil and biogenic fuels from primary energy source through to residue discharges and related environment protection. Experimental measurement and analysis techniques, theoretical modelling as well as process monitoring and control form part of the position remit. Special emphasis is placed on close interdisciplinary co-operation within the university, with external research institutions and with the industry sector, both European and worldwide.

    The position requires a teaching commitment, in both the German and English languages, which includes the giving of both compulsory courses and optional specialist courses to students in the second phase of their engineering education.
    Applicants will be both theoretically and practically qualified in the subject area of the position. Applicants must have completed university studies to PhD level in an engineering or a natural science discipline. A ‘habilitation’ or comparable additional scientific achievement even outside the university sphere as well as a minimum of five years professional academic or industry experience is mandatory, in compliance with §65 of the Universitätsgesetz (Higher Education Regulations). The preferred candidate will have a proven track record in the acquisition of external contract finance and the effective management and motivation of a large number of staff.

    In accordance with the Universitätsgesetz §67 section 1 the appointment, where it is a first Chair, is probationary.

    The University of Stuttgart is an equal opportunities employer and applications from female and handicapped persons are encouraged.

    Written applications should be directed by March 14, 2003 to:

    Dekan der Fakultät Maschinenbau
    Herrn Prof. Dr.-Ing. Prof. E. h. Dr.-Ing. E. h. Dr. h. c. Engelbert Westkämper
    Pfaffenwaldring 9
    70569 Stuttgart.

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