IFRF status, research and services – Tognotti
Authors: L. Tognotti
The IFRF’s 16th International Members’ Conference took place in Boston between 8 and 10 June 2009 and was attended by some 80 delegates. Around forty papers were accepted for the conference and these were grouped into eight parallel sessions which ran over the three days alongside a number of plenary sessions of which four were dedicated to invited keynote speakers. Two workshops were also held, one entitled “Experiments and simulations: extracting information from uncertain measurements and predictions” chaired by Professor Phil Smith of the University of Utah, and the other, “Present and future applications of flameless combustion in various industries and processes”, chaired by IFRF Vice President Jacques Dugué.
This website contains all the presentations delivered by conference speakers and made available to the IFRF afterwards. They have been organised by session. For a quick overview of the order of events, please see the Conference programme, also available at this site.
Research: Conference
Tognotti, L. (2009) IFRF status, research and services – Tognotti.