• Data Report Publication

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  • An activity agreed by the IFRF Monitoring Council for 2006 is a review of the IFRF Technical Document archives developed over the 50 plus years of the Foundation’s existence, to ensure that it is fully and accurately catalogued and searchable. This activity is currently on-going and the result will ultimately be made available to IFRF Members through the new Online Library which is presently being developed.

    From time to time we intend to prepare pdf copies of specific research or study reports, and to make these reports available to IFRF Members online as downloadable pdf files in the IFRF Members Research Projects Website (ISSN 1607-9140) at http://www.research.ifrf.net/  Such reports will be registered under this programme “Archiving of IFRF Technical Documents” and displayed on the opening page – “Latest Reports”.

    In this context, we are republishing today a downloadable copy of a flame data report first published in 1992. This report has been prepared in downloadable form as a PDF image (i.e. non-editable text) which can be used for on-screen reading and hard copy printing. We at the IFRF would welcome Members’ comments on the value of preparing downloadable reports in this format. Please send your comments to MNM@ifrf.net . We acknowledge the support of IFRF Member Mistui Babcock who prepared this PDF image.

    IFRF Report F36/y/20 was first published in 1992 as part of the Dutch NOVEM sponsored MMF5-2 Investigations. The report contains detailed laser doppler based measurements of gas velocities, turbulence and compositions in the inlet and quarl zone of swirling low-NOx  pulverised coal flames. In addition to the experimental data, the report describes a mathematical model used to simulate the flames studied, and makes comparisons between the measured and modelled parameters. Parameters explored include temperature, gas composition, char burnout, and radiative heat fluxes together with NOx and nitrogen precursors concentrations.

    IFRF Members may download the report as a PDF image from http://www.research.ifrf.net/

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