New Events in the IFRF Calendar
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Post Author
Giovanni Coraggio
This week two new events have been added to the calendar:
28th-30th Nov, 2005
London, United Kingdom
Introduction to Petroleum Refinery Processing
A course of 16 hours that will present an overview of the modern, integrated petroleum refinery.
http://www.calendar.ifrf.net/event.html?id=1361st-2nd Dec, 2005
Brussels, Belgium
The Post Kyoto Engagement – Clean Pathways for Fossil Fuels
This conference will highlight European Post-Kyoto environmental obligations and R&D and Demonstration needs for European Cleaner Fossil Fuel Technologies (CFT) on their pathway to Zero Emission beyond Kyoto (2012).
http://www.calendar.ifrf.net/event.html?id=135Members in France (CFdelaFRIF) and the Netherlands (NVV) should remember their administrative meetings – see below:
25 Oct, 2005
Solaize, France
Assemblée Générale du Comité Français de la FRIF
http://www.calendar.ifrf.net/event.html?id=13303 Nov, 2005
Groningen, Netherlands
103e NVV Ledenvergadering