• Nordic Flame Days 2017, 10-11 October, Stockholm, Sweden – CALL FOR PAPERS

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  • The Swedish and Finnish Flame Committees of IFRF are organising the ‘Nordic Flame Days 2017’ together with the Scandinavian-Nordic Section of the Combustion Institute (CINS), on 10th-11th October 2017 on the Campus of KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden.

    The Nordic Flame Days are the Nordic meeting point for everyone involved in combustion and combustion-related processes.  The Flame Days 2017 builds on the success of the Flame Days 2015 held in Copenhagen, and once again is a collaborative venture between the IFRF National Committees in Sweden and Finland, and CINS.  The 2017 meeting also includes a CINS Topical Meeting on ‘Large-Scale Numerical Simulations’ on 11th October, with the possibility of visiting KTH’s Experimental Facilities on 9th October for those that are interested.

    The Nordic Flame Days involve typical combustion-related topics like:

    • Combustion concepts including for example co-combustion, high-temperature combustion, pressurised combustion, and more;
    • Gasification of coal and biomass;
    • Fuel characterization;
    • Diagnostic and in-flame measurement techniques;
    • Combustion process modelling and optimization;
    • Flexibility of thermal fuel conversion systems;
    • Emission control and carbon dioxide mitigation; and
    • Ash management and other residues.

    Further details of the preliminary programme, the venue, accommodation options, etc. can be found at http://flamedays2017.sfrc.se/ 

    Those interested in presenting their work during the Nordic Flame Days 2017 should note that abstracts need to be submitted no later than 29th May.  Work presented at the conference will be included in the conference proceedings that will be distributed to attendees during the conference, and authors will be given the opportunity to publish their contribution in the IFRF’s Journal of Industrial Combustion.  Further details of how to submit an abstract can be found at http://flamedays2017.sfrc.se/cfp/

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